高清人脸裁剪利器:HD CelebA Cropper HD-CelebA-Cropper To obtain high resolution face images from CelebA 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/hd/HD-CelebA-Cropper
HD CelebA Cropper 是一个专为提升CelebA数据集中人脸图像质量的开源…
摘要 In this work, we firstly publish CN-Celeb, a large-scale multi-genre corpus that includes in-the-wild speech utterances of 3,000 speakers in 11 different genres. Secondly, using this dataset, we conduct a comprehensive study on the multi-genre phenome…
前几天收到大家的反馈,谢谢大家的关注,今天将对其中的关于1stopt的部分进行说明,希望能对你有些帮助。 首先需要说明的是,我所知道的1stopt有两种代码形式:分别为: Title "Type your title here"…