
occurs 0

occurs 指明的數量是有一點學問的. 1.當你知道可能每次用Select命中或交換的紀錄數xxx時,可指明 occurs xxx. 2.如用 occurs 0 聲明時, buffers 由系統自動分配.

ValueError: The name None occurs multiple times, use a level number

pandas 透视查询: >>> pd.pivot_table(df,index时间,valuesVinNo,columns运输gs,aggfunc{sum},fill_value0,marginsTrue) 报错: f"The name {level} occurs multiple times, use a level number" ValueE…

达梦数据库关闭 消息校验的警告 Failure occurs in data_recv_inet_once

在DM 达梦数据库的告警日志中,可能会出现大量的如下告警信息: 2020-02-15 16:07:10.768 [INFO] database P0000096693 T0000000000000096711 ckpt2_log_adjust: ckpt_lsn(68374), ckpt_fil(0), ckpt_off(10465792), cur_lsn(68849), l_next_seq(3751),…

Gradle‘s dependency cache may be corrupt (this sometimes occurs after a network connection timeout)


【嵌入式蓝桥杯】程序执行完中断将不再触发 /* Go to infinite loop when Hard Fault exception occurs */

今天配置中断的时候 发生一个有趣的现象 就是让中断每一秒闪一次 相应的LED也闪烁一次 结果程序执行完就不闪烁了 于是仿真的时候 仿真跳到中断错误函数有这样一个语句 /* Go to infinite loop when Hard Fault exception occurs */ 于是我猜想中断没有执行 或者发生冲突 直到我…

Android studio报错:Gradle‘s dependency cache may be corrupt (this sometimes occurs after a network

从其他地方下载代码 在自己的Android studio上运行之后报错为 Gradle‘s dependency cache may be corrupt (this sometimes occurs after a network connection timeout) 尝试网上的,解决办法 不成功 最后解决办法: 在settings里面 graddle…

Field not found; typically this occurs with arrays which are not mapped as single value

Spark 在读取Elasticsearch存储的半结构化的数据是,会遇到需要获取array类型的数据。然而会报错: Field ‘reqparams.header’ not found; typically this occurs with arrays which are not mapped as single value 这种情况通过 es.read.field.as.ar…

【Lintcode】1880. Largest Number X Which Occurs X Times

题目地址: https://www.lintcode.com/problem/largest-number-x-which-occurs-x-times/description 给定一个数组,求本身数值与其出现次数相等的那些数里最大的那个。用哈希表即可。代码如下: import java.util.HashMap; import java.util…

qiankun加载react子应用报错[import-html-entry] error occurs while executing normal script

报错信息: 解决方法: 将配置文件中的headScripts跟报错信息提到的文件路径的对象去掉,改用直接在html里引入并加上ignore 因为在headScript无法添加ignore,所以这么做,解决方法就是添加ignore,改好之后下面的报错ERROR SyntaxError: Unexpected token ‘<’ 也没了 参考…

qiankun加载vue子应用报错[import-html-entry]: error occurs while executing normal script

网上查询该报错信息发现和我遇见的问题不同&#xff0c;发现别人都是因为JS文件引用出的问题&#xff0c;将JS文件引用改为html引用的方式&#xff0c;同时添加ignore属性&#xff0c;如&#xff1a; <script src"..." ignore></srcipt> 而我并未引用j…

Couldn‘t compute FAST_CWD pointer. This typically occurs if you‘re using an older Cygwin version

Couldn’t compute FAST_CWD pointer. This typically occurs if you’re using an older Cygwin version on a newer Windows. Please update to the latest available Cygwin version from https://cygwin.com/. If the problem persists, please see https://cygwin.com/pro…

import-html-entry]: error occurs while executing entry script, 乾坤加载子应用路由报错

在乾坤框架下, 子应用技术栈是 vue, 当路由是懒加载的情况, 大概率会遇到 import-html-entry]: error occurs while executing entry script, 因为是动态加载的资源所以相关路径需要配置一下 qiankun 将会在微应用 bootstrap 之前注入一个运行时的 publicPath 变量&#xff0c…

qiankun 出现[import-html-entry]: error occurs while executing normal script

因为我在子应用引入了第三方JS文件&#xff0c;是通过webpack插件方式引入的 解决方案 直接在public.html文件中引入&#xff0c;并且添加ignore属性 <script src"../src/core/graphEdit/js/Editor.js" ignore></script>

使用pypcd读取pcd时ValueError: field ‘__0000‘ occurs more than once错误

解决方案&#xff1a; https://github.com/dimatura/pypcd/issues/30 简述&#xff1a; 打开pypcd安装位置的pypcd.py&#xff0c;安装位置可以在报错界面查看&#xff1a; 例如我的是&#xff1a; /home/abc/anaconda3/envs/open-mmlab/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pypcd/py…

微信小程序真机提示error occurs:ENOENT: no such file or directory, access

今天维护一个很久之前的小程序项目&#xff0c;发现进去白屏&#xff0c;点击按钮也没有任何反应&#xff0c;然后提示这样错误&#xff1a; error occurs:ENOENT: no such file or directory, access /storage/emulated/999/Android/data/com.tencent.mm/Microlsg/wxanewfile…

达梦数据库大量Failure occurs in data_recv_inet_once告警

达梦数据库巡检发现日志有告警信息 database P0000000716 T0000000000000031572 Failure occurs in data_recv_inet_once, code(12) len(32576, 0) 这里的Failure occurs in data_recv_inet_once 是消息检验的告警&#xff0c;与网络环境有一定的关系&#xff0c;网络不稳定的…

An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: Request failed加载本地倾斜摄影测量报错问题

[error] [TilesetContentManager.cpp:977] An unexpected error occurs when loading tile: Request failed——Cesium for unity加载本地倾斜摄影测量报错问题&#xff1a; 报错原因&#xff1a;Cesium3DTileset中的URL路径中包含中文字符​​​​​​​ 修改为全英文路径后&…

easymock报错the exception usually occurs when matchers are mixed with raw values

IllegalStateException&#xff1a;4 matchers expected&#xff0c;2 recorded. this exception usually occurs when matchers are mixed with raw values when recording a method : 对应的代码是&#xff1a; 报错的意思是入参需要4个匹配器&#xff0c;但是只给了3个&am…

解决Gradle‘s dependency cache may be corrupt (this sometimes occurs after a network connection timeout

class org.apache.xerces.parsers.XIncludeAwareParserConfiguration cannot be cast to class org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration Gradle‘s dependency cache may be corrupt (this sometimes occurs after a network connection timeout 网上看了很多教…

move occurs because `arr[_]` has type `T`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait

rust中报这个错误&#xff0c;主要是类型T没有实现Copy特性&#xff1a; move occurs because arr[_] has type T, which does not implement the Copy trait 这里涉及到所有权机制&#xff0c;基本数据类型在移动的时候&#xff0c;会单独Copy一份出来&#xff0c;因为基本数…