gosu Games are, by definition, interactive. Gosu makes this interaction straightforward with a simple interface for detecting and reacting to key and mouse button presses. 根据定义,游戏是交互式的。 Gosu通过用于检测按键和鼠标按键按下并做出React的…
有人在MSDN Forum上问到类似问题http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/csharpgeneral/thread/a81916e9-52e0-4354-8143-c236ff13dc1a ,我找到一篇极好的解决方案 http://www.bobpowell.net/RGBHSB.htm The classic RGB colour space used in GDI is exc…
Description of the calibration parameters
After calibration, the list of parameters may be stored in the matab file Calib_Results by clicking on Save. The list of vari…