Issue Version: Microsoft Lync 2013, Lync 2010.
Verify that your conversation history is being saved
Let’s start by seeing whether conversation history is available for you. If it is, we’ll explain how to find it.1. In the Lync main window, click the…
LyncServer 2013是微软通信服务器平台产品线中最新的一个版本。微软统一通讯平台最初的版本从Communications Server 2003开始 (另一种说法是ExchangeConference Server 2000),接下来的版本为:
1、LiveCommunications Server 200…
在 Skype for Business 与 Lync 客户端用户界面之间切换Switching between the Skype for Business and the Lync client user interfaces 2021/5/18 适用于: Skype for Business 本文内容 重要 Skype for Business Online 将于 2021 年 7 月 31 日停用。Skype for Business On…