Mr. Kitayuta vs. Bamboos 题目链接: 参考: 贪心,二分 从数据规模上看,算法复杂度只能为O(n)或者O(nlgn),似乎…
Fog Simulation on Real LiDAR Point Clouds for 3D Object Detection in Adverse Weather - 恶劣天气下用于3D目标检测的真实LiDAR点云雾模拟(ICCV 2021) 摘要1. 引言2. 相关工作2.1 不利天气对激光雷达的影响2.2 恶劣天气和激光雷达模拟2.3 3D目标检测…
目录 1 introduction 2 overview 3 Related work 3.1 Single-patch Mesh Parametrization 3.2 Global Mesh Parametrization 3.3 Signal-Specialized UV Maps 3.4 Mesh repairing 3.5 Alleviating the effect of seams 3.6 Packing of texture charts 4 Phases of the algorith…