蛋白质生物学:从序列到结构和疾病 Show all the residues within 3.5 of the ligand in 1LZC? Label these residues and identify the specific atoms that form H-bonds with the ligand (submit an image). Identify any hydrophobic interactions and explain…
蛋白质生物学:从序列到结构和疾病 Create a selection of the residues L25-E35, and S50-G54 of 1LZC. How many residues are in the helix and how many turns of helix are there? Explain if this corresponds to the expected periodicity of an alpha helix…
人脸脸部的皮肤具有一定的规律(都落在某个YCbCr表示的一个椭圆区域内),符合此规律的辨识为人脸 程序:(自己写, 但结果颜色很奇怪) function [] detection() clear; close all; l imread(2-2.jpg); figure(1); imshow(l); ldouble(l); krgb2…