RCSB(Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics)的PDB(Protein Data Bank)数据库是一个具有全球性影响力的科学数据库,主要用于存储和分享生物大分子(主要是蛋白质、核酸以及部分多糖…
机器翻译,日后再核对. 这篇文章比较别扭。慢慢理解。 摘要 The problem of tracking multiple objects in a video sequence poses several challenging tasks. For tracking-by-detection, these include object re-identification, motion prediction and dealing…
1. Introduction
the specification and design phasethe verification and validation phasethe operation phase ISO 26262中的前提假设是预期功能是安全的; 针对功能相关失效对应的解决方…
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