
在阿里云容器服务上,轻松搭建Concourse CI

Concourse CI是一款CI/CD工具,它的魅力在于极简设计,被广泛应用于Cloud Foundry各个模块的CI/CD。阿里云也推出了CI工具CodePipeline,开箱即用,推荐试用。 Concourse CI官方提供了标准的Docker镜像,在阿里云容器服务部…


如何使用Bosh部署应用程序(一) 更新时间:2018年04月23日 安装bosh环境 下载Bosh二进制安装程序 点击下载 安装virtulbox wget https://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/5.2.10/virtualbox-5.2_5.2.10-122088~Ubuntu~trusty_amd64.deb dpkg -i virtualbox-5.2_5.2.10-122088…

Terraform Concourse Resource 项目推荐

Terraform Concourse Resource 项目推荐 terraform-resource A concourse resource to create infrastructure via Terraform 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/te/terraform-resource 1. 项目基础介绍 Terraform Concourse Resource 是一个开源项目&#xff…




Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) 是一项高度可扩展的快速容器管理服务,它可轻松运行、停止和管理群集上的容器。您的容器在任务定义中定义,用于运行服务中的单个任务或服务。在此上下文中,服务是一种配…

Concourse 开源项目推荐

Concourse 开源项目推荐 concourse Concourse是一个开源的持续集成和持续部署(CI/CD)平台,用于自动化软件开发工作流程。它提供了一个基于Git的版本控制和构建管道,使得开发者可以轻松地构建、测试和部署应用程序。 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_…


2019独角兽企业重金招聘Python工程师标准>>> concourse是cloud foundry原生的集成CI工具,轻量、可视。 pipeline三大核心概念 resource 版本化资源的抽象位置,例如repository。是job的输入输出 job 决定了pipeline的每一步行为,资…


Concourse简介 Concourse是为执行敏捷开发并需要处理复杂交付排列的团队重新设计的CI工具,由Pivotal公司赞助开源,目前在市场上已经普遍使用。Concourse以pipeline机制运行集成任务。pipeline将Task、Resource、Job三者有机地结合起来,pipel…


canon相机api中文 Every week we dip into our tips bag to share some handy reader tips with you. This week we’re looking at tips to help you share folders between Linux and Windows installs, upgrading your Canon’s firmware, a simple way to clean your keybo…


前言 写过nuxt.js的同学,肯定也对nuxt的路由规则有一定的了解,在pages目录下创建文件,即可以自动构建路由,本文来带领大家实现一下在vue里怎么去自动构建路由。我这里使用的是Vue-cli 3.X版本进行初始化。cli 2.X版本也是一样只不…


新买笔记本屏幕缝隙有灰尘 If you’ve had your laptop for a year or two, it may be full of dust. Dust clogs fans, vents, and heat sinks, preventing your PC from cooling down properly. You can remove a good amount of this dust, even if you can’t open your la…

4 AI基础:超越经典搜索算法

文章目录 4.1 Classical Search 经典搜索4.2 Local Search Algorithms(局部搜索算法)Basic idea:Methods of Local Search(1)Hill-climbing Search(爬山搜索)Example: n-queens problems n皇后问题Weakness…


量子信息与量子计算 When was the day that quantum became normalised? 量子何时归一化? ‘Quantum’, as a modifier within a sentence, has typically denoted something entirely beyond the realm of ordinary comprehension — the demesne of cats at onc…

数据仓库 python_python新手如何通过即时转换彻底改变收藏的数据仓库

数据仓库 python A user buying a Fave Deal or an eCard or using FavePay at Fave’s merchant partners has the option of paying using credit/debit cards or using online banking. They can get further discounts by using credits they’ve accumulated as well as a…


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你还在一个个路由文件引入而烦恼吗 你还被别人说&#xff0c;你只是一个只会ctrl c ctrl v的码仔吗 可是 做个与世无争的垃圾不好吗 global.ts // 可以把检测的类型去掉&#xff0c;转成js// 关键在于 require.context// 暴露了两个方法 在组件声明两个变量来区别状态 isR…


突然讨厌做前端,讨厌代码 Roobcio/Shutterstock Roobcio /快门 Game controllers are magnets for dirt and grime. It doesn’t matter if you take really good care of your pads, they’ll eventually need a deep clean to remove skin, debris, and bacteria. Here’s ho…

跟《经济学人》学英文:2024年6月22日这期 India’s electronics industry is surging

India’s electronics industry is surging Foreign and domestic firms are investing in local manufacturing surge:激增&#xff1b;急剧上升&#xff1b; 原文&#xff1a; To witness India’s growing role as a manufacturing hub, dodge Bangalore’s notorious t…

dis的前缀单词有哪些_词缀系列 | DIS not/lack of, undo, apart from

前缀DIS comes from Latin, where it means "apart 分开", In English, its meanings have increased to include "opposite" or "not", "deprive of", or "exclude or expel from". Tips: Dis原是一个副词性拉丁前缀表示ap…