
mulesoft Module 13 quiz 解析

mulesoft Module 13 quiz 解析 Processing records Summary1. A Batch Job scope has three batch steps. An event processor in the second batch step throws an error because the input data is incomplete.2. Refer to the exhibit. What are the values of the counter …

mulesoft Module 2 quiz 解析

mulesoft Module 2 quiz 解析 1. What asset can NOT be created using Design Center?2. A web client submits a GET request to a Mule 4 application to the endpoint/customers?id484933. What MuleSoft product enables publishing, sharing, and searching of APIs?4…

mulesoft MCD 易错题汇总解析

mulesoft 易错题汇总解析 An One Table Row Database listener retireves data from a table that contains record_id, an increasing numerical column.Refer to the exhibit. A web client submits a request to http://localhost:8081/filghtsRefer to the exhibits, A JSO…

mulesoft Module 9 quiz 解析

mulesoft Module 9 quiz 解析 1. A Scatter-Gather processes three separate HTTP requests. Each request returns a Mule event with a JSON payload.2. What module and operation will throw an error if a Mule events payload is not a number?3. An event contains a …

mulesoft Module 6 quiz 解析

mulesoft Module 6 quiz 解析 1. A web service implements an API to handle requests to http://acme.com/customers/{state}2. A Mule application has a flow named parentFlow. The parentFlow contains an HTTP Request operation at the end of the flow. The parentFlo…

mulesoft Module 12 quiz解析

mulesoft Module 12 quiz解析 1. A flow has a JMS Publish consume operation followed by a JMS Publish operation. Both of these operations have the default configurations.2. A Flow Reference component sends a non-empty JSON object payload to another flow name…

mulesoft Module 1 quiz 解析

mulesoft Module 1 quiz 解析 1. What MuleSoft API-led connectivity layer is intended to expose part of a backend database without business logic?2. According to MuleSoft, what is the Center for Enablements role in the new IT operating model?3. What HTTP m…

mulesoft MCIA 易错题汇总解析(补充)

mulesoft MCIA 易错题汇总解析(补充 1. What limits if a particular Anypoint Platform user can discover an asset in Anypoint Exchange?2. What operation can be performed through a JMX agent enabled in a Mule application?3. What condition requires using a Clo…

mulesoft 核心知识点 summary

mulesoft 核心知识点Summary 1. Introducing application networks and API-led connectivity2. Introducing Anypoint Platform3. Designing APIs4. Building APIs5. Deploying and managing APIs6. Accessing and modifing Mule events7. Stucturing Mule applications8. Con…

mulesoft MCIA 易错题汇总解析

mulesoft MCIA 易错题汇总解析 1. An API implementation is being designed that must invoke an Order API which is known to repeatedly experience downtime.2. A mule application is deployed to a Single Cloudhub worker and the public URL appears in Runtime Manag…




mulesoft笔记 iPaas产品对比mulesoft是什么? 首先了解一下云服务的整个架构,由Iaas、Paas和Saas三部分组成,其是一个逐渐软化的过程: 而在Paas层又细分出aPaas和iPaas,其区别主要是: iPaas解决企业里各个…

mulesoft --环境安装与搭建

MuleSoft ESB介绍 1.mavenjdkpostman 2.anypoint statdio 下载安装 下载 Anypoint Studio & Mule |骡子软件 (mulesoft.com) 填好基本信息后,会发邮件,在邮件中下载,跳到官网下载 3注册账号 Download Anypoint Studio & Mule | Mul…


文章目录 1.前言2.文章索引3.MuleSoft简介4.RAML和Dataweave5.Anypoint Platform6.Anypoint Studio 1.前言 笔者为企业员工,由于工作需要使用Mulesoft,所以才进行学习。但由于Mulesoft在国内不温不火,并没有相关的中文教程,只能硬…

【干货来了】如何使用 MuleSoft 合并多个 PDF

假设存在这样一种情况,您必须将多个 PDF 合并为一个 PDF,并将合并的 PDF 作为响应发送回源系统,或者将合并的 PDF 存储在文件位置。在本文中,您将学习如何执行此操作。MuleSoft 中没有这样的连接器,您可以使用它来合并…

一文带你读懂ISO 26262,ASIL,TCL

当我们进入汽车行业开展相关业务的时候,经常会遇到一些专有名词和英文缩写,比如ISO 26262,ASIL,TCL等,这些名词和缩写的解释通常非常专业,让人摸不着头脑,读完之后仍是一头雾水。因此&#xff0…


本系列博客包括6个专栏,分别为:《自动驾驶技术概览》、《自动驾驶汽车平台技术基础》、《自动驾驶汽车定位技术》、《自动驾驶汽车环境感知》、《自动驾驶汽车决策与控制》、《自动驾驶系统设计及应用》。 此专栏是关于《自动驾驶系统设计及应用》书籍的…


01 功能安全组件的软件开发 针对ISO 26262对功能安全软件研发的要求,AUTOSAR将功能安全需求进行了具体拆分。当前的AUTOSAR规范囊括了诸多功能安全组件软件开发的需求概念。 在AUTOSAR系统设计的架构中, 从系统功能设计到ECU功能实现,每个功能特性都需要逐一抽取并分配到对应…

ISO 26262中的ASIL等级确定与分解

ISO 26262中的ASIL等级确定与分解 1. 引言 汽车上电子/电气系统(E/E)数量不断的增加,一些高端豪华轿车上有多达70多个ECU(Electronic Control Unit电子控制单元),其中安全气囊系统、制动系统、底盘…

最先进的软件测试库 (STL) 和 ASIL B:真理、神话和指导

1. 简介 功能安全在一系列市场中仍然至关重要,随着自动驾驶和相关服务成为现实,功能安全是决定其成功和广泛部署的关键因素。关键性越高,驾驶员对应用程序的控制越少,固有风险和相关的汽车安全完整性等级 (ASIL) 就越高。 ISO 26…