Imagenomic Professional Plugin Suite mac版是一款PS磨皮降噪滤镜插件套装,其中包含noiseware降噪插件、portraiture3磨皮滤镜和Realgrain胶片效果滤镜插件,各有各的功能,可以轻松完成磨皮、添加胶片效果、降噪等。 PS磨皮滤镜降噪套装官方介…
为大家推荐一款知名的PS磨皮降噪滤镜套装,Imagenomic Professional Suite mac版中包含noiseware降噪插件、portraiture3磨皮滤镜和Realgrain胶片效果滤镜插件,各有各的功能,轻松进行磨皮、添加胶片效果、降噪等操作,小编这里准备了…
Chomp Scan 项目教程 chomp-scan A scripted pipeline of tools to streamline the bug bounty/penetration test reconnaissance phase, so you can focus on chomping bugs. 项目地址:
1. 项目的目录结构及介绍
Chomp …
先来一道简单的博弈:Chomp(水题勿喷) Problem C - Chomp [Description]
注:机翻,未校。 Teleprinter
September 15, 2018 Editor
Teleprinter (or Teletypewriter) is a telegraphic instrument that transmits and receives printed messages and data via telephone cables or radio relay systems. Teleprinters became …
USB HUB中一些特殊引脚和名词
SELF/BUS Power :自供电或usb总线供电,自供电就是在插入usb连接后还需要连接一个用于供电的线;不要觉得麻烦,如果你想让更多的设备能正常工作的话。
Individual/gang mode:独立或共同&…
【注释】以下实验基于 RaspberryPi 3B。 参考 “树莓派官网”对 USB 子系统的描述如下: The number and type of USB ports on Raspberry Pi depends on the model. The Raspberry Pi Model B is equipped with two USB 2.0 ports; the B+, 2B, 3B and 3B+ have four USB 2.0 …