1.PaaS平台的mysql双主设置报错如下: Fatal error: The slave I/O thread stops because master and slave have equal MySQL server UUIDs; these UUIDs must be different for replication to work. #致命错误:从库 I / o线程停止,因为主从的MySQL se…
报错:ERROR: Could not install packages due to an OSError: [WinError 5] 拒绝访问。: d:\\myproject\\venv\\scripts\\pip.exe Check the permissions. 解决方法:其实这里多数人会没有注意,其实当它提醒你需要升级的时候已经建议你使用什么…
1 (msql实战) 基础架构
mysql> select * from T where ID10;我们看到的只是输入一条语句,返回一个结果,却不知道这条语句在 MySQL 内部的执行过程。
所以今天我想和你一起把 MySQL 拆解一下,看看里面都…
联想服务器 S590 S650
Memory.Bat tery problems weredetected / Unexpected power-lossoccurredThe adapter hasrecovered,but controller cachewas lost . yo lumes may beinconsistent . Check-Consistencyrequired to ensure redundancyPress any key to cont inu…