infopath2007 Chris Brooks, my CTO, and I finally sat down to spend what we thought would be some serious time with Microsoft Office 2003s InfoPath and Chris Andersons BlogX (Chris and some managers run BlogX internal blogs). 我的首席技术官克里斯布鲁克斯(…
“通过使用 Office InfoPath 2007,您可以创建和部署电子表单解决方案,以高效可靠地收集信息。您还可以使用 Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 中的 InfoPath Forms Services 功能将业务流程扩展到公司防火墙以外,提供 Microsoft Offi…
需求: 测试类:
package pers.sheng.demo;import java.util.Scanner;public class Test {static Admin admin new Admin();static User user new User();public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { welcomeInterface();}