当打开Docker Desktop时候,启动docker引擎时,提示 加粗样式文本信息 Docker Desktop - WSL distro terminated abruptly A WSL distro Docker Desktop relies on has exited unexpectedly. This usually happensas a result of an external entity terminating WSL (e…
Logstash 报错 问题:
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: If the number of processors is expected to increase from one, then you should configure the number of parallel GC threads appropriately using -XX:ParallelGCThreadsN
Invalid Class value “TODO_Change_Class_appropriately” exceeds max length of 31 Invalid ClassGuid “{TODO_Change_ClassGuid_appropriately}”,expecting{xxxxxxxx…}
就如下图这样 看问题…
1. vs提示添加_WIN32_WINNT0x0501的情况:
1> Please define _WIN32_WINNT or _WIN32_WINDOWS appropriately. For example:
1> - add -D_WIN32_WINNT0x0501 to the compiler command line; or
1> - add _WIN32_WINNT0x0501 to your projects Preproces…