题意:使用jsPDF向PDF添加页脚 问题背景:
I am generating pdf from jsPDF api , I want to add footer to each page with page number .
我正在使用jsPDF API生成PDF,我想在每页添加一个带有页码的页脚。 How to achieve this . It is hav…
downloadPdf () { let pdfNo this.Data.orderNo; let target this. r e f s . p d f ; D o m T o I m a g e . t o P n g ( t h i s . refs.pdf; DomToImage.toPng(this. refs.pdf;DomToImage.toPng(this.(“.WorkorderView_HiddenBox”)[0],{ quality: 1.0 }).then(function…
首先我们先通过npm安装依赖 npm install jspdf --save
import { jsPDF } from "jspdf";// Default export is a4 paper, portrait, using millimeters for units
const doc new jsPDF();doc.text("测试", 10, 10);运行之后发现是乱码,官方文档…