导读: Ribbitfor the past 6 months and watching this Silicon Valley start-up emerge as the leader in merging RIA and VOIP. The key is that Ribbitcan integrate voice and PSTN phone features into any website or desktop applications using AIR or…
Udemy DLTeam 的 Ribbit 开源项目教程 ribbit A small and portable Scheme implementation with AOT and incremental compilers that fits in 4K. It supports closures, tail calls, first-class continuations and a REPL. 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/ri/…
Ribbit Scheme 实现项目教程 ribbit A small and portable Scheme implementation with AOT and incremental compilers that fits in 4K. It supports closures, tail calls, first-class continuations and a REPL. 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/ri/ribbit …
探索极致轻量的编程世界:Ribbit——微型可扩展的Scheme实现 ribbit A small and portable Scheme implementation with AOT and incremental compilers that fits in 4K. It supports closures, tail calls, first-class continuations and a REPL. 项目地址: htt…