探索微控制器新境界:Silicon Labs EFM32和EFR32 32位MCU外设示例库全面解析 peripheral_examples Simple peripheral examples for Silicon Labs EFM32/EFR32 Series 0, Series 1, and Series 2 devices 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/pe/peripheral_…
单例 默认化为:单例(singleton)
package com.hei.bean;
public class SpringBean {
public SpringBean(){System.out.println("Springbean的无参数构造方法执行了");
} spring,xml…
Dagger 项目推荐 dagger dagger is a fast, concurrency safe, mutable, in-memory directed graph library. Also includes a number of generic, concurrency safe data-structures 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/dagg/dagger