VQA-Med: Overview of the Medical Visual Question Answering Task at ImageCLEF 2019
Abstract This paper presents an overview of the Medical Visual Question Answering task (VQA-Med) at Image CLEF…
VQA parper的阅读
Medical Visual Question Answering: A Survey
MMF is a modular framework for vision and language multimodal research from Facebook AI Research. MMF contains reference implement…
文章目录 一、背景二、方法2.1 数据来源2.2 数据标注2.3 测评标准2.4 训练策略 三、效果3.1 定量分析3.2 定性分析 论文:Exploring the Capabilities of Large Multimodal Models on Dense Text
YouTube-UGC (YouTube UGC dataset) 下载网址:https://media.withyoutube.com/介绍:这个YouTube数据集是根据知识共享许可证上传到YouTube的数千个用户生成内容(UGC)的样本。创建该数据集是为了帮助推进UGC视频的视频压缩和质量评估研究。该数据集目前包含约1500个(YouTub…
VQA: Given an image and a question in natural language, it requires reasoning over visual elements of the image and general knowledge to infer the correct answer. 和基于对象检测的任务区别
对象识别-对图像主要对象进行分类 目标检测-通过对图像中每个…