通过 Android Studio 签名 bundle 打包的时候抛出了如下异常
missing gradle project information.
please check if the IDE successfully synchronized its state with the Gradble project model. 解决办法
在顶部菜单中,选择 Sync Project with Gradle Files 尝试即可; F…
gateway服务启动报错,Unable to start ServletWebServerApplicationContext due to missing ServletWebServerFactory bean. org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextException: Unable to start web server; nested exception is org.spring…
1. 场景 centos7安装glibc-2.28时遇到关键程序丢失或太旧 configure: error: *** These critical programs are missing or too old: make bison compiler *** Check the INSTALL file for required versions. 这里说的是:make、bison、compiler 这个三版本太老&…
Missing classes detected while running R8. Please add the missing classes or apply additional keep rules that are generated in D:\010F200\svn\F200KIF_FT\android\datameshkmsservice\app\build\outputs\mapping\debug\missing_rules.txt.
去掉就都正常了。 //minif…