工具变量(2SLS)介绍 使用OLS还是工具变量?——豪斯曼检验
reg y x1 x2
estimates store ols
ivregress 2sls y x1 (x2z1 z2) 怀疑x2为内生变量
estimates store iv
hausman iv ols,constant sigmamore对于…
Do you have folders filled with myriad of files that need a serious spring cleaning ? If you do, we have Cruftbuster, an automated self-cleaning tool for Linux, to sort out your messy folders. 您的文件夹中是否装有无数需要认真Spring清洁的文件? 如…
异步和同步数据备份的差别 World Backup Day is March 31st and we decided to provide you with some useful information to make backing up your data easier. We’ve published articles about backing up various types of data and settings both offline and online. 世…