

论文地址点这里 本篇论文来自2018年ICML上的一篇论文。 一. 介绍 终身学习(持续学习),即任务按顺序到达的持续学习问题,是迁移学习中的一个重要主题。终身学习的主要目标是利用早期任务中的知识,以获得更好的性能,或加快后期任务…

Flutter Expandable:实现可展开和折叠的Flutter小部件

Flutter Expandable:实现可展开和折叠的Flutter小部件 flutter-expandable A Flutter widget that can be expanded or collapsed by the user. 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/fl/flutter-expandable 1. 项目基础介绍及编程语言 Flutter Expand…

DER: Dynamically Expandable Representation for Class Incremental Learning翻译

DER: Dynamically Expandable Representation for Class Incremental Learning (CVPR, 2021) DER:类增量学习的动态可扩展表示 目录 传送门Abstract1. Introduction2. Related WorkRepresentation LearningClassifier Learning 分类器的学习Discussion 3. Methods3.1. Problem …

【博士每天一篇文献-算法】改进的PNN架构Lifelong learning with dynamically expandable networks

阅读时间:2023-12-25 1 介绍 年份:2017 作者:尹在弘,北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校博士后;杨恩浩,韩国科学技术院 期刊: 未发表 引用量:1232 代码:https://github.com/jaeh…


package:expandable: ^5.0.1 pub 地址:https://pub.flutter-io.cn/packages/expandable 功能: 功能: 展开/关闭的控件 使用实例和代码: import dart:math as math;import package:expandable/expandable.dart; imp…

推荐开源项目:Expandable RecyclerView

推荐开源项目:Expandable RecyclerView expandable-recycler-viewCustom Android RecyclerViewAdapters that collapse and expand项目地址:https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/ex/expandable-recycler-view 在Android开发中,RecyclerView是我们常用于构建…




activity_main.xml的布局 <ExpandableListView xmlns:android"http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:id"id/expand_list" android:layout_width"fill_parent" android:layout_height"fill_parent" > …

Flutter 开源库推荐:Expandable - 动态可扩展的界面组件

Flutter 开源库推荐&#xff1a;Expandable - 动态可扩展的界面组件 flutter-expandableA Flutter widget that can be expanded or collapsed by the user.项目地址:https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/fl/flutter-expandable 在 Flutter 的世界中&#xff0c;构建富有交互性的…

[CodeForces - 447E] E - DZY Loves Fibonacci Numbers

E DZY Loves Fibonacci Numbers In mathematical terms, the sequence Fn of Fibonacci numbers is defined by the recurrence relation F1  1; F2  1; Fn  Fn - 1  Fn - 2 (n > 2). DZY loves Fibonacci numbers very much. Today DZY gives you an array …

codeforces 445B DZY Loves Chemistry

2019独角兽企业重金招聘Python工程师标准>>> import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.text.DecimalFormat;public class CF445B {static int[] f new int[51];public static void main(String…

cf446C DZY Loves Fibonacci Numbers

C. DZY Loves Fibonacci Numbers time limit per test 4 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output In mathematical terms, the sequence Fn of Fibonacci numbers is defined by the recurrence relation F1  1; F2  1;…

DZY Loves Chemistry (并查集)

题目&#xff1a; &#xff08;?&#xff0c;最近净做并查集了还一道难的都不会&#xff09; DZY loves chemistry, and he enjoys mixing chemicals. DZY has n chemicals, and m pairs of them will react. He wants to pour these chemicals into a test tube, and he need…

[CodeForces - 447C] C - DZY Loves Sequences

C - DZY Loves Sequences DZY has a sequence a, consisting of n integers. Well call a sequence ai, ai  1, ..., aj (1 ≤ i ≤ j ≤ n) a subsegment of the sequence a. The value (j - i  1) denotes the length of the subsegment. Your task is to fin…

Codeforces Round #FF 446 C. DZY Loves Fibonacci Numbers

参考&#xff1a;http://www.cnblogs.com/chanme/p/3843859.html 然后我看到在别人的AC的方法里还有这么一种神方法&#xff0c;他预先设定了一个阈值K,当当前的更新操作数j<K的时候&#xff0c;它就用一个类似于树状数组段更的方法&#xff0c;用一个 d数组去存内容&#…

Jupyter 因配置文件误删,无法直接打开/Jupyter中因模块缺失而报错

Jupyter 因配置文件误删&#xff0c;无法直接打开 法一&#xff1a;在anconda命令行输入python -m notebook可以直接打开 法二&#xff1a;重新安装jupyter&#xff0c;卸载jupyter&#xff1a; pip uninstall jupyter 删除jupyter lab pip uninstall -y jupyterlab pip …


今天分享一篇技术文章&#xff0c;你可能听说过很多大模型的知识&#xff0c;但却从未亲自使用或微调过大模型。 今天这篇文章&#xff0c;就手把手带你从零微调一个大模型。 大模型微调本身是一件非常复杂且技术难度很高的任务&#xff0c;因此本篇文章仅从零开始&#xff0…


想知道怎么训练自己的大语言模型&#xff0c;让它更贴合自己的业务场景。完整的大语言模型训练成本比较高昂&#xff0c;不是我们业余玩家能搞的&#xff0c;如果我们只是想在某个业务场景或者垂直的方面加强大模型的能力&#xff0c;可以进行微调训练。 本文就来介绍一种大语…

Jupyter Notebook 快捷键

Jupyter Notebook & NoteLab快捷键 Jupyter有两种模式&#xff0c;命令模式和编辑模式&#xff0c;分别有不同的快捷键。 编辑模式(按键 Enter 切换)&#xff1a; 可以往单元中键入代码或文本&#xff0c;此时单元格被蓝色的框线包围&#xff0c;且命令模式下的快捷键不生效…


安装配置教程 直接打开Anaconda Prompt命令行 切换到需要安装jupyter的python环境 通过conda安装jupyter notebool&#xff08;一般python安装自带&#xff0c;可跳过此步骤&#xff09; # pip install jupyter notebookconda install -c conda-forge jupyter通过conda安装ju…