select ucase(abc) from dual; //ucase大写,lcase小写。
select left(name,1) from emp;//取左边的第几个字符,index从1开始。
select length(北京) from dual;//返回长度,单位是字节。
Private Sub Text1_Change() Text2.Text LCase(Text1.Text) 转换成小写字母 Text3.Text UCase(Text1.Text) 转换成大写字母 End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() End End Sub 界面效果:
lcase和ucase Upper Case, Lower Case and MID functions are scalar functions which return a single value, based in the input value. 大写,小写和MID函数是标量函数,它们基于输入值返回单个值。 As you all know sometimes different databases h…