I.题目:Optimal Point on a Line #include<iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
{int n;int x[300005];scanf("%d",&n);for(int i0;i<n;i)scanf("%d",&x[i]);sort(…
digg bt It may be a bit ironic for me to complain about Digg’s inability to break news, because that’s hardly breaking news itself — Digg hasn’t been very good at timely reporting in a long while. But this morning, while reading my feed of tech “news”…
digg没落 You will see that many sites add a digg button within their post content. Some new users simply open single.php and add the digg script which will cause a digg button to show on all blog posts. But what if you want to display digg button on only s…
How to Easily display Digg posts via XSLT using Digg Api 如何使用Digg Api通过XSLT轻松显示Digg帖子 As we know, Digg become very popular last time, so why not use it for our purposes? I decided to investigate Digg a little and learn how possible to draw Di…
完整的psptoolchain编译环境(内含psplinkusb源代码) IDA Pro
修改psplinkusb中关于api_hook这部分的代码,以便于打印出api函数的调用参数 在psplinkusb的代码中添加对数据访问断点的支持 参考: http:/…
惠普HP Laser NS MFP 1005c 打印机驱动是官方提供的一款打印机驱动,本站收集提供高速下载,用于解决打印机与电脑连接不了,无法正常使用的问题,本动适用于:Windows XP / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10 32/64位操作…