web worker 是运行在后台的 JavaScript,不会影响页面的性能。例如处理类似高斯函数处理图片这种处理信息量比较庞大时有可能会造成页面阻塞, 因此这种时候就可以通过Worker创建一个线程在后台处理信息, 当处理完成时会把信息返回回来.
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github 地址: GitHub - lm-sys/FastChat: An open platform for training, servi…
2019独角兽企业重金招聘Python工程师标准>>> Part-I of this article covered cryptography in the context of encryption. This part continues from where part-I left. It assumes that the reader understands the purpose of encryption, knows about the two…
全链路设计师和全栈 重点 (Top highlight) For those who are not tech-savvy, the term “Full Stack” refers to the layers of technology in an application. For a developer, this commonly means having command over all of the technologies required in the develop…