寻根究底,探讨 chi -square特征词选择方法后面的数学支持 最近研究特征词选择算法,主要在研究chi方统计量的方法。 Christopher D Manning的书《信息检索导论》中(王斌译作191页,英文原版255页)的公式定义如下…
傅里叶变换 直观 Many of us have heard, read, or even performed an A/B Test before, which means we have conducted a statistical test at some point. Most of the time, we have worked with data from first or third-party sources and performed these tests with e…
本文给出基于两种统计量的假设检验,来检验变量间是否独立--χ2与秩和。χ2越小说明越独立。你可能会参考另一篇博客相关性检验。 假设检验 假设检验(Test of Hypothesis)又称为显著性检验(Test of Ststistical Significance&#…
Contingency Speed Planning
1. Control Model
状态变量: x [ s , v , a ] T x [s, v, a]^T x[s,v,a]T;控制变量: u [ j ] u [j] u[j];运动学模型: x ˙ A x B u \dot{x} A x B u x˙AxBu; A [ 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ] ,…
AE粒子插件 最新版下载及安装教程 AE模板出现 prject or favorite was made with a later version of trapcode particular time to upgrade 粒子插件提示问题 意思是你的粒子插件版本低 模板所用的粒子插件版本高 解决方法 就是下载高版本的红巨人粒子插件安装即可 红巨人粒子…