设 x 为 E bw / delay 效能,y 为 flow 在瓶颈处的实际分配带宽,r 为时延,inflt 守恒模型的方程组如下: I ( t ) ∑ i 0 n w i ( t ) I(t)\displaystyle\sum_{i0}^n w_i(t) I(t)i0∑nwi(t) d x d t y r − x \dfrac{dx}{dt…
1.PaaS平台的mysql双主设置报错如下: Fatal error: The slave I/O thread stops because master and slave have equal MySQL server UUIDs; these UUIDs must be different for replication to work. #致命错误:从库 I / o线程停止,因为主从的MySQL se…