canon相机api中文 Every week we dip into our tips bag to share some handy reader tips with you. This week we’re looking at tips to help you share folders between Linux and Windows installs, upgrading your Canon’s firmware, a simple way to clean your keybo…
新买笔记本屏幕缝隙有灰尘 If you’ve had your laptop for a year or two, it may be full of dust. Dust clogs fans, vents, and heat sinks, preventing your PC from cooling down properly. You can remove a good amount of this dust, even if you can’t open your la…
量子信息与量子计算 When was the day that quantum became normalised? 量子何时归一化? ‘Quantum’, as a modifier within a sentence, has typically denoted something entirely beyond the realm of ordinary comprehension — the demesne of cats at onc…