Otsu’s Thresholding的工作原理
在双峰图像(像素的直方图只包含两个峰值),一个好的阈值将在这两个值的中间。Otsu算法就是从图像的像素直方图中确定了一个最佳的全局阈值 t t t,可以最小化weighted within-class variance加权类…
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INPROCEEDINGS{wang2023freematch,title {FreeMatch: Self-adaptive Thresholding for Semi-supervised Learning},author {Wang, Yidong and Chen, Hao and Heng, Qiang and Hou, Wenxin and Fan, Yue and and Wu, Zhen and Wang, Jindong and Savv…
Simple Thresholding
The function cv.threshold is used to apply the thresholding. The first argument is the source image, which should be a grayscale image. The second argument is the …