在SDN下路由交换与传统硬件集成方式的路由交换技术有许多相似之处。其中一个比较重要的点是传统交换机中ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit,专用集成电路)决定了其数据平面所支持的功能,而在SDN中,实现了控制面与数据面的分离。…
*5.35(加法)编写程序,计算下面的和。 *5.35(Summation) Write a program to compute the following summation: 参考代码:
package chapter05;public class Code_35 …
预处理先;特判k 0
#include <iostream>using namespace std;typedef long long ll;const int N 1e4 10;
const ll mod 1e9 7;ll ans[6][N];ll qmi(ll a, ll b, ll q)
{ll res 1 % q;while (b){if (b & 1) res res * a % q;a a * (ll)a % q;b >…
This note is for my students (first year) who got confused in class when I showed the proof of theorem 1.4.3 in 林亚南s 高等代数 to them. It seems some detailed explanations are needed here. Writing in english adds an extra layer of burden on them, but it …