请输入项目名称 function initDataPushStatus(laytable) { let id "pushStatusData"; $.ajax({ url: urlpic "systemDataSource?deptId4678", type: get, success: function (res) { let pushData res.pushData let data [] let form layui.form $.e…
LeetCode 262:Trips and Users
【Description】 Write a SQL query to find the cancellation rate of requests made by unbanned users (both client and driver must be unbanned) between “2013-10-01” and “2013-10-03”.
The cancellation rate is compu…
You’ve undoubtedly bought music, movies, TV shows, and audiobooks off of iTunes before, but it was likely for yourself. If you’re wanting to buy something from the iTunes Store and gift it to someone else, here’s how to do it. 毫无疑问,您以前…
itunes连不上网 让很多苹果用户头疼的是itunes连不上网络,那么,当出现itunes无法连接网络时,怎样解决这一麻烦呢?先来看看下面的教程吧。最近在试用itunes时,偶尔会出现“无法完成您的itunes STORE 的请求,网络连接被…