官方回复如下(英文): a. https://optics.an…
轻松管理Go项目依赖的许可证:go-licenses工具推荐 go-licenses A lightweight tool to report on the licenses used by a Go package and its dependencies. Highlight! Versioned external URL to licenses can be found at the same time. 项目地址: https://g…
Go-Licenses 项目使用教程 go-licenses A lightweight tool to report on the licenses used by a Go package and its dependencies. Highlight! Versioned external URL to licenses can be found at the same time. 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/go/go-licen…
选择 Activate new license with: License server (用license server 激活)
在 License sever address 处填入 http://xidea.online or http://idea.liyang.io
点击 Activate 进行认证。
认证完成就可以使用了。12345 如上面注册码没有解决…
参数:-Xss1m, 默认值以官网为准:https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/tools/unix/java.html
Sets the thread stack size (in bytes). Append the letter k o…