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今天推荐 obsidian 的项目管理插件projects ,用免费工具实现本地化项目管理。该工具项目管理思路非常类似 trello,简单易上手,而且和个人笔记强关联,非常适合喜欢折腾和 all in one 的玩家。
在看Unreal Engine 4.x Scripting with C Cookbook(第二版)这本书,把一些必要的基础知识过一过。目前没有学习ygo具体游戏逻辑的实现,先尝试先自己简化一下实现一些东西,首先要弄清楚如何动态的传递一些参数(这对后面写逻辑至关重…
TSUITerrain(Lod)Terrain(Quadtree) Terrain(Quadtree with Lod)OCTree with collision(3ds File)OCTree with collision(TS File&…
原题: E. Intercity Travelling time limit per test1.5 seconds memory limit per test256 megabytes inputstandard input outputstandard output Leha is planning his journey from Moscow to Saratov. He hates trains, so he has decided to get from o…
文章目录 前言文献阅读摘要Monte-Carlo Dropout(蒙特卡罗 dropout)采用蒙特卡罗 dropout的集合预测结果 RNN循环神经网络交叉熵损失时间反向传播算法(BPTT) 总结 前言
This week,I read an article and mainly learn about an ap…
本文为 I n t r o d u c t i o n Introduction Introduction t o to to P r o b a b i l i t y Probability Probability 的读书笔记 目录 TransformTransforms for Common Random VariablesFrom Transforms to MomentsInversion of TransformsSums of Independent Random V…