化了两周的时间在STM32H750 art Pi 板上实现了RT Thread OS 下的IEEE1588 /PTP 协议。初步的测试表明:在使用linux PTP 使用软件时间戳的条件下diff 大约在200ppm 以内。如果使用硬件的时间戳,可能会好一点,遗憾的是我家里的两台PC 兼容机在u…
1. 什么是1588v2
1588v2是网络测量和控制系统的精密时间同步协议标准,也可称为PTPv2(Precision Time Protocol Version 2,精密时间协议V2版本)。1588v2是由IEEE标准组织发布的业界标准,用于实现设备之间的高精度时间同…
Codeforces-1610 C: Keshi Is Throwing a Party
题目传送门:Codeforces-1610 C
题目截图 样例描述 题目大意 Keshi 正在举行一个Party,他有 n n n 个朋友,第 i i i 个朋友有 i i i 美元。 但这些朋友既仇富又仇贫,如…
terminate called after throwing an instance of c10::Error what(): open file failed because of errno 2 on fopen: , file path: ./traced_resnet_model.pt 我加载模型文件的…
使用c jsoncpp时报错如如下:
terminate called after throwing an instance of Json::LogicError what(): Value is not convertible to float 原始代码行为
float size_x root["Size"]["height"].asFloat();
if r…
terminate called after throwing an instance of ros::TimeNotInitializedExceptionwhat(): Cannot use ros::Time::now() before the first NodeHandle has been created or ros::start() has been called. If …
14 6
I have the following code:
// How to throw the ServerException?
public void myFunc() throws ServerException{// Some cod…
Throwing Star LAN Tap是一款便携的无源百兆流量复制抓包器,功能非常简单,串接在百兆电缆链路上,通过另外的两个端口把原来链路上行和下行的流量分别复制输出。由于便携和价格便宜,Throwing Star LAN Tap 得到了网络安全…
terminate called after throwing an instance of tf2::ExtrapolationException what(): Lookup would require extrapolation 0.033000000s into the future. Requested time 289.152…