xbox360游戏下载 Microsoft’s Xbox One can now play a limited number of Xbox 360 games. But it’s not as simple as inserting any old disc and starting it up. Only some games will work, and the Xbox One runs them in an emulator. 微软的Xbox One现在可以玩有限数…
xbox手柄映射 Windows 10 now allows you to remap an Xbox One Controller’s buttons, just like you can remap the buttons on an Xbox One console. This feature is part of the Xbox Accessories app, which isn’t installed by default. Windows 10现在允许您重新映射…
1.出现问题的原因: 数据库的编码是Latin1,无法插入汉字。
show variables like character%;这里我是更改完的,默认是Latin1。 character_set_databaseLatin1就是新建数据库的时候不修改编码的时候数…