vjudge-Catch That Cow
Farmer John has been informed of the location of a fugitive cow and wants to catch her immediately. He starts at a point N (0 ≤ N ≤ 100,000) on a number line and the cow is at a point K (0 ≤ K ≤ 100,000) on the same number …
前提:在PTA(PTA | 程序设计类实验辅助教学平台)和VJ(Virtual Judge)有帐号。
作为测试,在VJ创建一个比赛,名为test。选择ZOJ 1001 A + B Problem 作为赛题。 Step 1、参赛选手先找到VJ的比赛test。 …
1. place ublox/gps to <android4.3>/hardware/
2. vim <android4.3>/device/fsl/imx6/imx6.mk add the gps.default which name is the same to LOCAL_MODULE:gps.default in ublox/gps/hal/Android.mk if LOCAL_MODULE:gps.default is not …