1. place ublox/gps to <android4.3>/hardware/
2. vim <android4.3>/device/fsl/imx6/imx6.mk add the gps.default which name is the same to LOCAL_MODULE:gps.default in ublox/gps/hal/Android.mk if LOCAL_MODULE:gps.default is not …
The u-blox F9P internal RTK solution engine is very good and I have been recommending u…
探索Blox:为Amazon ECS定制的开源调度器 bloxOpen source tools for building custom schedulers on Amazon ECS项目地址:https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/bl/blox 在当今云原生的时代,灵活且高效的容器管理工具对于开发者而言至关重要。因此࿰…
LizzieYzy 安装和配置指南 lizzieyzy LizzieYzy - GUI for Game of Go 项目地址: https://gitcode.com/gh_mirrors/li/lizzieyzy
1. 项目基础介绍和主要编程语言
LizzieYzy 是一个基于 Lizzie 修改的围棋引擎图形界面,支持加载多种围棋引擎&a…