A3C算法( Asynchronous Methods for Deep Reinforcement Learning)于2016年被谷歌DeepMind团队提出。A3C是一种非常有效的深度强化学习算法,在围棋、星际争霸等复杂任务上已经取得了很好的效果。接下来,我们先从A3C的名称入手&…
mulesoft MCIA 破釜沉舟备考 2023.04.25.24(易错题) 1. An insurance company is using a CIoudHub runtime plane.2. A mule application must periodically process a large dataset which varies from 6 GB lo 8 GB from a back-end database and wri…
mulesoft Module 4 quiz 1. What is NOT part of a Mule 4 event?2. A Database connector is configured to select rows from a Mysql database.3. What is the minimue required configuration in a flow for a Mule application to compile?4. What is the purpose of th…
mulesoft Module 5 quiz 解析 1. API Manager has been configured to enforce an SLA policy and the RAML spec has been updated with the required client_id and client_secret header requirements.2. How many Mule Applications can run on a CloudHub worker?3. What…
mulesoft Module 11 quiz解析 1. A Mule application has a main flow and a combineNames flow. In the main flow, a variable named fullName is set to the object {firstNmae:"Max",lastName:"Mule"}.3. What is the correct way to format the decim…