探秘Diablo 2 LoD的未来——D2GL
随着游戏行业的不断发展,许多经典作品在现代硬件和操作系统上面临挑战。而D2GL应运而生,这是一个创新的迪亚波罗2天堂(Diablo 2 Lord of Destruction)游戏引擎包装器&…
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下载地址:http://www.vulnhub.com/entry/who-wants-to-be-king-1,610/ 难度:简单 靶机描述: Google Is Your Friend Difficulty: …
靶机说明: Game of Thrones Hacking CTF This is a challenge-game to measure your hacking skills. Set in Game of Thrones fantasy world. Goal: Get the 7 kingdom flags and the 4 extra content flags (3 secret flags final battle flag). There are 11 in…