php5.3不支持eregi()函数了 写正则的时候可能会碰到用ereg()时出现错误,如:Deprecated: Function eregi() is deprecated ,原因就是php5.3已经不支持ereg(),可以用preg_match() i 参数替代,比如:ereg(“^…
wmi服务或wmi提供程序 The WMI Provider Host process is an important part of Windows, and often runs in the background. It allows other applications on your computer to request information about your system. This process shouldn’t normally use many system r…
windows 下查看系统基本信息 PS C:\Users\bobac\Desktop> systeminfo windows 下查看CPU和内存消耗 根…
SQL Server 2000 Installing SQL Server 2000 (E文) SQL Server 2000补丁 Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 3a…
解决办法 1、在C盘根目录创建temp文件夹(名字可以随意,但是要与下面的批处理中的保持一致) 2、将以下内容保存为批处理,然后双击运行 echo on cd /d c:\temp if not exist %windir%\system32\wbem goto TryInstall cd /d %windir%…